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2015.6.6 Charity Concert

2016 Piano Concreto 

To foster in our children a love of music and passion for life; to encourage the exploration of diverse cultural traditions through music, broadening our horizons and our knowledge; to engage our musical talents in bettering the lives of those around us and to give back to society.


王爽钢琴教室(Shuang Piano Studio)的每一位老师都在为培养“成功”的琴童而努力着。通过专业、严谨,有目的性教学让孩子不走弯路;同时温柔的言语,坚定的鼓励和家长良好的沟通又让孩子们能够在这条并不平坦的道路上坚持下去,达到自己的目标。